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Welcome, croeso and hiya

I find writing the first couple of words of anything to be a very staggered activity. As much as I enjoy writing, it will take at least two cups of tea before I finish this blog entry. As self-aware as this food blog debut is, the sentiment behind it is very sincere and I want you to enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. This blog will be a pleasure to write and research as it's about my favourite subject: food!

Although, food isn't just a topic or talking point, it's intrinsic to every part of my life. So many stories from my childhood, university years through to the present are centred around food and feeding people. I know blogs aren't necessarily the way people find recipes and inspiration but I'm hoping to offer a bit more than that. Every meal I cook has a motivation or memory attached; be that a healthy stir fry I put together after feeling guilty for dodging exercise, a comforting risotto on a rainy day, or a hearty minestrone when recovering from a cold. I want to share my recipes with you, and hope you enjoy what's to come on this little blog of mine.


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