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It's torte time!

As far as I'm concerned, anytime is torte time! It's one of those things that when you think about it, you have to stop whatever it is you're doing and go into daze thinking about the chocolatey goodness. Making this chocolate torte has many associations in my mind. Once, I made it as an alternative to Christmas pudding and there wasn't enough to go around as people kept turning up asking for it. Another time it served as the most comforting treat for my friend and I after we'd watched one too many weepy films on a girly weekend. But the best time to make it is when you're craving chocolate, and once you try this recipe, you'll be craving torte at a shameful rate. Go on, you've got spare time on the weekend surely? ;)

12 digestive biscuits
50g butter
2 egg whites
75g caster sugar
225g plain chocolate
285ml double cream

Crush the biscuits. Melt the butter, and stir in virtually all of the biscuit crumbs. Press into the base of a loose bottomed 8in (20cm) tin.  In a bowl, over a pan of simmering water, whisk the egg whites and sugar for about 5 mins until it forms stiff peaks. Whip the cream until it holds it shape. Fold the chocolate into the meringue, followed by the cream. Pour into the tin, smooth the top and sprinkle the remaining biscuit crumbs. Chill for at least 4 hours, preferably overnight. Just before serving, remove from the tin and slide onto a plate.

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