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Greek lamb kleftikos, made by The Fella.

Since moving in with my fella, he's cooked for me quite a few times. One of his specialties is his lamb kleftikos, which is a slow-cooked tomatoey lovely dish. Here's the recipe for those who have asked for it:


Lamb chops or leg steaks (enough for two)
3 garlic cloves
2 tbsp parsley
2 tbsp dried rosemary
400g tin of tomatoes
1 lamb or beef stock cube
Salt and pepper

Place the chops in a casserole dish. Add peeled and finely diced garlic, along with the herbs. Add the tin of tomatoes, and the stock cubes which have been crumbled into 500ml of water. Pour the stock over the contents of the casserole dish and season well. Cook in a preheated oven for two and a half hours at 150c/300f.

Serve with salad and rice.

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R.I.P greenhouse

I have sad news to tell:the greenhouse is no more.

The tomatoes didn't ripen and before they got a chance to be edible, they were nommed by a small army of ugly little caterpillars. Pretty much everything else went the same way, maybe because we have had such a wet and tame summer this year, I've heard similar experiences from other people.

Everything from the herbs to the budding aubergines had to be binned and as I've moved house, I can't see me getting into any more gardening.

It was fun while it lasted.

Next stop: more recipes 'n' memories 'n' stuff.

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